Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, there lived a spunky little 7-month old named Brett. Now, back before Brett was born, his parents spent lots of time preparing for his arrival. They set up his nursery so it would be a fun, safe place for him to grow up. Brett's parents chose some really cool wood blinds for his window that had no cords at all, so he'd never get tangled up. When the blinds arrived, Brett's parents were so excited, but to their chagrin, they were too short! :( So the blinds company sent them a whole new set. This time, the blinds fit Brett's window just right! Then Brett's parents were left wondering what to do with the too-short blinds. So Brett's mom decided to post them on
Craigslist and see if some other family might be able to get some use out of the blinds.
Little did she know, but another mom of a spunky 7-month old was looking for those exact blinds! So Brett's mom sold the expensive blinds to Jaron's mom for super-cheap, and behold, a friendship was born!
The End (but really it's just the beginning!)
We've had so much fun getting to know
Jaron and his mom, Tauna. How cool that the Lord orchestrates even the most odd little circumstances for His glory! Now we've not only cleared some space in our garage, but we've been able to bless another family and make new friends in the process! We've been enjoying little play-dates with our cute little boys, and I can't wait to see them grow up together as buddies! Someday it'll be fun to tell them the story of how our families met. :)
Brett: Heeeey! Jaron: Wassup??
Brett' that's called pass interference