Here begins the first of what I'm sure will be many posts of our wonderful Christmas as a big, happy family. That's right - Millenne has arrived!...And Jaciane will come next Sunday. We've had so much fun already!
First, Mill got to fly through Dallas on Friday, so she spent an hour with Grandma and Grandpa Boehme. Yeah!
Then she arrived in Portland and we spent the afternoon reuniting as a family. Mill met her lil' bro, Brett, and they are already best buds. Brett loves to make funny faces at his big sis and see if she will copy him.
Brother and sister finally meet!
Mill reminisces over the scrapbook we made of all the Brazil trips, 1997-2008
Just being silly
More silliness!
On Friday night, we whisked Millenne off to enjoy an early Christmas present - the Michael W. Smith Christmas concert at Rolling Hills. Dad and Mill had SO much fun! Mom and Brett got to enjoy Teacher Patty's Christmas Pageant across the street at Athey...what a perfect evening.

Smitty and Melinda Dolittle
Dad and Mill meet Melinda!
Millenne hoards all the sugar cookies
Yummm, cheesecake batter!
On Saturday, we hung out more as a family, baked Christmas goodies, and did some shopping. Thank goodness for that - we can't even think of leaving the house now because...
On Sunday, it SNOWED! And SNOWED, and SNOWED...and is still SNOWING with no sign of stopping. Wow! It wasn't Brett's first snow, but it was the first snow he could really enjoy. It was Mill's first snow-falling experience, and we had SOOOOO much fun outside playing in it! Sorry for the overload of photos, but I just couldn't resist.
Millenne rides a deer
First closeup encounter with the white stuff
Mill's first snowman! Complete with eyes made from chocolate truffles...very gourmet
Look how BIG he is, standing up in his snowsuit!
And now, for the video...:)