In the Boehme household, we share a lot of things. However, each of us has a bit of our own 'turf,' so to speak. For Daddy, it's the office. For Brett, it's a whopping chunk of the bonus room, the outdoor play area, and of course his own room (all of which he'll have to learn to share someday soon). For Mommy, it has always been the kitchen. Well, folks, Mommy's domain has just gotten a makeover! It came in perfect time for my birthday, too. We knew that redoing the kitchen would make a big difference in the overall 'look' of our downstairs, but we had no idea it would be this spectacular! Three cheers for Mister Joe, as Brett affectionately calls him, for restaining, adding new hardware, and putting in snazzy new electrical outlets!
Before: This is almost painful. The Mountain Dew yellow was just killing me!

Progress: new paint and hardwood (back in May) - hoping for new nook furniture and someday to go darker with the cabinets.
After: Oh, my, delicious! Snagged a cute black nook table on Craigslist, painted our chairs to match, gel-stained the kitchen cabinets and added hardware + black outlets. It's not even the same kitchen! We both gasped when it was done, and love how the countertops and backsplash pop out from the dark stain. They just kinda blended in before. The red accents also look so much better, which just makes me jump for joy. Someday (and it really will be someday, I promise) we'll upgrade to stainless steel appliances.
I love how the cabinets ended up being the darkest color you can find in our walnut floors. Love the contrast, but it still matches. Yummy.

Just had to put these side by side...whoa!