Whoa, I am SEVEN games behind. There are ten, yes, TEN Ws scribbled on my Duck football schedule fridge magnet. We were so blessed to get to attend a game this season...it's been two years since Brad got to go and three for me (last time I was in Autzen I was preggo with Brett!). The little man had never seen his beloved duckies play football, and it was high time to give him the experience.

We attended the Portland State game (well, if you can call it that...poor PSU!), in a downpour, of course, but had such a blast! Brett donned his Big Ducky costume yet again and got oodles of compliments. He danced with Big Ducky in the Moshovsky center, posed for lots of photos, cheered for his ducks, was enjoyed the cheerleaders and the band, loved the blasting horn every time we scored...and yes, even made it onto DUCK VISION! Wooo! Took a lot of effort on Daddy's part to get the little man within view of a camera, but it all paid off in this priceless moment. I'm sensing another framed photo for the duck-cave (i.e. Brad's office)...

And just a footnote - one week later we took a trip to visit family in Texas (yes, I do promise to get that post up soon!), and guess who was on our flight home? The one, the ONLY...Kenny Wheaton. Responsible for The Pick, and the most "incredjinable finish to a football game," as screeched by Jerry Allen sixteen years ago. Kenny signed Brett's little Oregon hat, which is now retired as a keepsake in the duck-cave.

It's been quite a fun year to be a duck, that's for sure! Here's to just three more Ws on my little magnet...:)