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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Two cuties in a tub!
This is how we do baths these days...Z in the baby tub and B gets what's left of the big tub.  Fun times.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rockstar in training

I scrambled to get my camera this morning as Brett performed a mini screaming rock concert in the kitchen.  Yes, that is a real microphone plugged into the computer speakers.  No, we probably aren't the brightest parents around, providing a three year old with drums and a mic, and expecting that the three month old will be able to sleep at any given moment throughout the day.  But for memories like these, it's worth it, right?
In case you couldn't decipher his lyrics, he is in some form singing/screaming about Jesus.  A hit single will be coming out soon.  ;)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

3 months old

Check out our lil' smiler.  Zack will be 3 months old tomorrow.  Sweet little snugglebun...can't get enough of him!

Here's one of Brett around the same age...we think they're starting to look a LOT alike.
See what I mean?  Brett top, Zack bottom. (can someone pleeease tell me how to get these pictures to publish side by side??)

Da boyz...

Last weekend we celebrated Grandpa's birthday - lovin' on his littler man
In other news, Daddy took Brett to his very first rock concert (Kutless, Disciple and the Newsboys).  Brett did not have any fun at all, as you can see.  They stayed until almost 10 and Brett stayed awake jabbering the whole way home from Salem.  He is a total rocker at heart.  Now if I can just figure out where his volume control is...

Okay, so it just took me forever to get this post formatted correctly... blogger is seriously trying to melt my brain.  Going to publish now before it scrambles my editing again.