Happy Birthday little man - three months old today! We can't believe how FAST he's growing up. Already outgrowing some of his 6-month size clothing, the Brettster is over SIXTEEN pounds! Yesterday marked his first really noticable symptoms of teething (yes, teething before 3 months - he's so advanced). So today I'm off to stock up on teething tablets, baby Oragel, and any teething toys I can get my hands on. He's already loving the cold soaked washcloths, and of course, Mama's fingers taste pretty good too. He even bit down so hard on his favorite binky that it now has a hole in it, so I'm off to the U of O Duck store to get a new one! Tune in next week when Brett will be running marathons, finishing up his PhD, and becoming the first baby to set foot on the moon ("one small step for baby, one giant leap for babykind")!
(this is what we like to call Super-Preppy)
That makes him officially 1/2 the size of Dacia Grace! :-)
he is such a doll
Holy moly! Where did this beefcake come from?!
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