Well, round 2 of shots is now complete...poor little guy! Thankfully, this time I knew to load him up on pain meds BEFORE the appointment - thanks Mary Lou, Laura, and all the other smart mommies who enlightened me! Little Brett was actually big enough to take Motrin, too, so he got a nice little cocktail before his appointment. I think it's working so far - he has been asleep for over an hour in his carseat. Please pray for our sweet little guy to make it through the next day without a major meltdown; last time was pretty traumatic!
UPDATE, 10:00 p.m. - Brett made it through the day without any major trauma from his shots! Yippee! Thanks to all who prayed over our little guy. That, plus the beloved Tylenol and Motrin, worked wonders on our little guy. We are so thankful!
Oh, I almost forgot: our little bruiser is now
17 pounds (90th percentile), and
25.5 inches (75th percentile)! I'm going to start calling him the BFG - Big Friendly Giant, for those of you who are unfamiliar with Roald Dahl. :)
Here's a cute photo from last week - we went on a walk with Grandpa Brown in our new big boy stroller seat!