Side note: this morning we had one of our little quotable moments. I was holding Brett, still in his jammies, and saw something greenish on his leg. Immediately I said to Brad, "Uh, oh...I think that's poop...or maybe guacamole..?" See, we had fajitas last night so maybe some of our dip got on the little man...oops! Brad's reply was "Well, better put it on a chip and find out!" Hee hee...
Too funny! Especially the one about drying the baby.....do you know that new dryers today actually come with a warning that children and infants should not be dried in the dryer?! For that matter, washing machines come with warnings that children and infants should not be washed in the washing machine! Who does these things?! Go figure!
Anyhoo.....on the quoteable quote from this morning.....ask Jeff Young about Sherry and the guacamole diaper story.
Just think you will have many more quoteable quotes and unforgetable memories. For us, we will always remember a specific school that we had to stop at on the way home from DG's first camping trip (Labor Day 2005 with ACCF)....never forget it....Covered from head to toe in goo.....all I could do was laugh.
The other one was a trip to McMinniville where we all had our first taste of beet juice...DG included....the resulting story will never leave me....to this day, DG does NOT like red beets....she did prior to that trip! LOL!
Thanks for sharing - that made me laugh so hard! I needed that before bed.
I also have to say that I'm SO glad I don't like guacamole already :)
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