Today was Brett's first excursion to a water park! Wheeee! The Athey Creek moms had a day at the park with all the kiddos. I wish I'd snapped photos of all of them; they were soooo cute all drenched in the water! But I had a hard enough time getting shots of my little man as he teetered in the puddles. So here's what you get:
before taking the plunge:
Okay, there is actually water here...even though it looks like he's just sitting on bricks. Check out that cute little star-spangled speedo! ;)


re-creating some of the fun back home in the tub...note the killer mohawk!
Looks like Brett (and you) had a blast, I so wish I had taken you up on your offer, I just was not prepared to go since I didn't plan on it. :( Next time!
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