What a fun weekend we've had! On Friday morning, our little family (sans cats) ventured north to visit the Boehme family just outside of Seattle. In addition, Monique's aunt Brenda (from North Dakota) was in town receiving an award from the American Cancer Society...so we got to enjoy hanging with extended family on both sides!
Cousin JD, Daddy & Brett, Cousin JR, Uncles Don and Bob

Aunt Brenda and Uncle Brent (who really found my ticklish spots)
Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary Boehme were gracious to put us up in their home...they pretty much let us take over the whole upstairs! It was wonderful. On Friday afternoon, we were able to visit Uncle Dave and Aunt Shirley in a nearby hospice facility.
Brett with Great-Aunt Shirley
Even though Uncle Dave is battling very advanced lung cancer, he was able to talk to and wave at little Brett. That was so special. Then on Saturday, Mary hosted a fun open house to introduce the extended family to the newest little Boehme. 
Aunts Shirley, Mary (our hostess with the mostest), and Joni...and cousin DebbieCousin JD, Daddy & Brett, Cousin JR, Uncles Don and Bob
On Sunday morning, we took Brett on a ferry across Puget sound - his very first boat ride! He had so much fun, and was wigglin' and gigglin' the whole time.
Ferry fun!
Finally, we met Brenda and Brent for lunch before heading home.
Aunt Brenda and Uncle Brent (who really found my ticklish spots)
What a fun, busy weekend! Brett was such a trooper the whole time. It definitely encourages us to take more little family trips in the future!
First trip to a candy store!
First encounter with a real live horsey!
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