Wednesday was Brad's 28th Birthday (just'll have to ask him how old he really is), and I thought we should celebrate online as well as in person. This year we had lots of fun cooking up Birthday surprises for Daddy.
First of all, earlier this year he mentioned something offhand that he might like someday - a leather recliner. It was right around the time of our new car search (oh, I never posted anything on that! Well, that's another story) I did a little investigating on Craigslist. Lo and behold, I found an awesome off-white 2-year-old Italian leather recliner for just $175! Usually those babies are at least $700, so it was quite a deal. Thankfully, I was able to pick it up on the same day I brought home our new SUV, so I just dropped the recliner of at Grandma and Grandpa's for safe keeping. Since Jaciane wanted to get to celebrate Daddy's Birthday too, we decided to give him that present two weeks early as a big surprise. He's been enjoying it ever since!
ColdStone B'Day treat...oops, I guess I revealed the age thing ;)
In his words, "I have arrived!" All great daddies must have their very own leather recliner.
Then, also related to the new car - Daddy finally got his beloved car back! Before he had to drive our older car, a coupe, because it didn't agree so well with baby carseats. Now, with mommy and Brett in a big Explorer, Daddy finally gets to enjoy his sweet ride again. I thought it would be nice to sweeten the deal a bit by having it detailed, inside and out. In order to explain the fact that I needed the car for the day, I had to make up a story about it needing some random repair. Haahaahaa. I love scheming! Then when Daddy pulled up in the driveway, we had a special hand-made pop-up Birthday card for him to open, which concealed the keys inside. Then up went the garage door, and TA DA! Of course, no "new car" would be complete without a giant red bow on top (think Lexus commercials) I had one of those special-made at Michaels. Brett and I got to give Daddy that gift after work yesterday, so he could drive off to work this morning in his "new" baby! Oh, and he also got to enjoy a new CD (already in the player) - David Cook, one he was asking for.
Daddy opens his handmade pop-up B'day card, complete with car key inside. Also pictured: the new red Explorer!
Yay! Brett's not allowed in here anymore!

This is what was playing the next morning when Daddy drove off to work...
Last, we heard not long ago about a show coming to Portland - one of our favorite comedians, Joel McHale will be doing stand up at the Schnitz on April 17th. After help from all the wonderful grandparents, I secured two tickets to the show, plus plans for dinner at the Brazil Grill (yummmmmmm), and maybe a little dessert after. Grandma and Grandpa Brown will be babysitting for the big date night, so it's just Daddy, Mommy, and the "new" car out on the town! Can't wait!
Brett toasts daddy with a B'day sorbet. So cute, he actually goes "ding!" when we click glasses.

Uhh, don't ask me why Joel is wearing lip gloss in this picture...
So happy Birthday honey...we sure had fun planning all these treats for you. I think the best part was knowing that each time, you thought it was all over...but the surprises just kept comin'. Hope it was one of your most memorable B'days ever! :)
1 comment:
Happy birthday dada!!! I love you and I knew everythig!!!! Mo is a good wife!!! I love soo much her because she made you happy!!
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