Here's the second edition of Brett's growing and learning spree!
Generally speaking, we've learned that Brett absorbs knowledge a zillion times better when it involves music or rhyme. Just the other night, in the car, we had a song playing that would leave a word off the end of each line in the second verse. Having never sung along with this song before, Brett suddenly piped up with each "blank" word. Mommy and Daddy just sat there in the front seat, mouths agape, eyes popped-open, listening to this little kiddo spout out all these words with the song for the first time. Wow! Another similar instance was a few weeks ago, when reading one of Brett's bedtime books, and he suddenly started reciting words from the pages. Now, I know he's not actually "reading" the words on the page, but somehow his little steel-trap mind is able to retain those words when he sees each page of the book. Of course, it also helps that his bedtime books all he knows that after "sheep" comes "sleep" and after "clocks" comes "socks." To sum up in this area - anything with music, poetry, rhyme, or rhythm is a big thumbs-up in the learning department for Brett. He sings along with countless songs - Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Old McDonald Had a Farm, If You're Happy and You Know it, and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, to name a few. I think that's pretty darn cool.
Also, as pictured above, Brett has really gotten into coloring. We bought him a set of bath crayons, and now he can really go to town without us worrying about paper. You can also see pics of Brett's buddy, Emma, coloring with her new bath crayons. Anyway, we're using the crayons in the tub and out on paper to help Brett learn not just colors, but also counting, letters, animals and other objects (depending on what we draw). Everything is more fun in color, isn't it?! :)
And for tomorrow's teaser...Part Three: Growing in the Lord!
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