We've been having fun with "school" this year...once we wrapped up the curriculum I purchased last year, we've just been winging it and doing thematic units based on what Brett enjoys. His daily lessons consist of Bible and piano, and every day we do additional activities that center around a topic.
Last month we spent a couple weeks learning about farming/gardening, and then visited a super cool farm with friends. Sadly, my hands were too occupied with little Zack to take any photos, but you can view Hannah's pictures here.
Next, we did a unit on boats and water...and what unit on boats would be complete without a trip to the submarine at OMSI! Brett got to take Grandpa Jack Brown on the sub for his birthday present, which was super-duper fun since Grandpa is a retired submariner. I only got a pic at the OMSI entrance because only Brett and Grandpa went in the sub. Brett had SO much fun climbing on the bunks and peering through the periscope!
This week we started a new unit, focusing on building, construction, etc. Our primary focus was on foundations, and we tied everything to the foundation for our lives, Jesus. Love all the fun and creative directions this unit is taking! Today our field trip took us to Wilsonville Concrete Products, where Mr. Doug showed Brett and his friends how concrete is made. He helped the kiddos make their own sample of concrete, passed out shirts to take home, and let them choose from some really cool agates! On our way home from the field trip, we noticed a house under construction so we stopped by to watch the work. Fun times!For our next unit, I think we'll learn about grain, flour, etc...and then take a trip to Bob's Red Mill. Anyone care to join us?
1 comment:
Monique, What a thrill to watch my darling Brett playing Happy Birthday on the piano for my very happy birthday.
Also, I have to tell you how being able to read about your field trips and teaching plans excite me. He will be so blessed to be able to correlate Jesus as the foundation of building his life with constructing huge,strong and beautiful buildings. What a great analogy!! This OLD teacher is very impressed!!! Hugs, Verla
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