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Monday, March 31, 2008

Three Months Old!

Happy Birthday little man - three months old today! We can't believe how FAST he's growing up. Already outgrowing some of his 6-month size clothing, the Brettster is over SIXTEEN pounds! Yesterday marked his first really noticable symptoms of teething (yes, teething before 3 months - he's so advanced). So today I'm off to stock up on teething tablets, baby Oragel, and any teething toys I can get my hands on. He's already loving the cold soaked washcloths, and of course, Mama's fingers taste pretty good too. He even bit down so hard on his favorite binky that it now has a hole in it, so I'm off to the U of O Duck store to get a new one! Tune in next week when Brett will be running marathons, finishing up his PhD, and becoming the first baby to set foot on the moon ("one small step for baby, one giant leap for babykind")!

(this is what we like to call Super-Preppy)

Monday, March 24, 2008


We had Brett weighed and measured on Tursday...he's a little tank!! He weighed in at 14 pounds, 12 ounces. He was in the 90th percentile for both weight and head measurements, and in the 75th for length!! We're sure that he's tipped the scales at 15 pounds by now. Anyone want to change your vote to Offensive Lineman? :)

Monday, March 17, 2008


Brett has been getting a little tired of traditional "tummy time" lately, so I thought I'd switch it up a bit and let him get his workout laying flat on my tummy, while I was lying on my back. He looked so cute, I had to try and snap a picture.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Brett & Emma

I swiped these pictures from our friends, the Rosses' blog (check out their link on the right). Here is Brett with his "girlfriend," Emma - the almost 6-month old daughter of Ed and Jacki. We met them about 4 years ago in our church's Newly Married Bible Study group, and it's so fun that we're now all in a new blessed stage of our lives - parenthood!
Brett and Emma are about the same size right now - he is such a chunk for 2.5 months! Emma is amazingly on-target for her age, even though she was born 11 weeks preemie. Way to go, girl!
I'm cracking up about the bottom picture because I've never felt short before! Jacki skies me! ;) ...Although I'm sure Brett will one day look down at us all...

Thursday, March 13, 2008

More Bathtime Fun

I just can't get enough of the little guy in his bath (and just when he gets out, too). Here are some recent fun photos!

Yumm, the water is tasty!

Smile for the camera...

Brett's first mohawk!

Another angle of the 'hawk

All done! Check out the cute ducky slippers.

Mom, can you quit snapping photos and dress me already?!?

Brett's Campaign Speech

That's right...Brett is SO advanced that he's decided to take on all those crazies in D.C. and run for President! Here is his very convincing campaign speech (note: requires translation from babytalk)...;)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Song and Dance

Here's the little guy interacting with his mobile...tune in soon for a super-fun video of him playing in his activity gym!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Rise and Shine

Here is our precious little guy, first thing this morning when he woke up in his crib. He was so happy and well-rested after sleeping SEVEN hours straight! The night before, he slept EIGHT hours...I think God accidentally sent us an angel instead of a human baby...but who's complaining? ;)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I love you Daddy!
I've got my daddy's good looks, see?
Daddy gave me my first bottle.

Snuggling with Daddy
Daddy kisses
I've got you, Dad!
Safe in Daddy's hands
Happy Birthday to the best Daddy ever!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

"Hit me with your best shot!"

Our not-so-little guy had his 2-month checkup today, complete with three shots. :( Poor thing was so happy and sweet right up to the moment they stuck him - then his face turned the color of a tomato and he screamed his cute little head off. Mommy was finally able to console him, and he slept the entire ride home (and then some). But the good part of this doctor's visit was that we learned his new weight - a whopping 13 pounds, 10 ounces! He's a beast! Stay tuned for our next poll, which will involve guesses as to Brett's future position on the U of O football team. :)

Home from the Doctor's office

Battle wounds...

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Today our little man was soooo sleepy. First I took him grocery shopping, and that seemed to tucker him out a bit. Then he played with Daddy for awhile, and boy, that sure wore him out! This evening I fed him at 5:15, put him in his swing at about 6 pm to make dinner, and I had to wake him up at 10:00 to feed him again! He only ate for 5 minutes and then konked right back out again. Sweet little guy...I guess he needed his beauty sleep today (even though he's handsome enough as it is)...