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Sunday, November 30, 2008

athelete in the making

None of us can quite get over how much Brett has taken to sports. At just 11 months old, he is amazing us with his mad skillz. Can you believe Brett has already learned to play catch?! If you don't believe me, just watch the video below. Apparrently I (Mo) never took to playing with balls as a baby. Now all the neglected balls that I never played with are finally getting lots of use, because my son just loves 'em. He throws, chases, catches, dribbles....you get the picture. Now we'll just have to see which ball sport becomes Brett's forte. I'm thinkin' football. But he has a pretty sweet soccer dribble, too, and he made a basket the other day when he threw a ball into a container.

Can we say, ALL BOY?!

1 comment:

Jacki R. said...

Boy that table sure takes a beating from Brett! It looks like he has mastered dribbling in more ways than just teething :)