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Thursday, July 19, 2012


Today we got to hang out with some of our very favorite buddies at the park...Brett was over the moon because not only did Grace and Claire come over, but also Elsie and Carter joined in on the fun!  All his best buds in one place...h.e.a.v.e.n.!  It rocked for mama too because it's not very often I get an equal ratio of girls to boys...:)
 At the jungle jym.  Fear not, Zack did not get kicked in the face :)
 All smiles
 Snack time!  Poor Claire...this mama of boys wasn't very good at keeping hair out of her face. 
 Carter found a fun snack spot
We found three cute kids and one very scary monster in the jungle!
 Brett rode his bike around the big walking track several times...plus all the way to and from the park.  Thanks to Gracie, today he mastered starting all by himself with no push.  Yessss!
 Hard to believe Claire is one of the "big kids" now.

And from last week -
Elsie and Carter joined us for a fun afternoon of berry picking.  It was a fun first for the littles.  Zack and Carter especially loved grabbing already-picked berries from the pail and throwing them by the handful.  Stinkers.
 I think he may have actually picked this one himself.
 Hoisting up their haul...and about to run through some serious sprinklers.
 Love using the add-on seat for the stroller!  Carter started a little game of peek-a-boo with Zack.
Cooling off with ice cream cones.
Drip, drip, drip...ahh the sticky awesomeness.
 Love how both big sibs were so sweet to share with their littles. 

How blessed are we?!  There's not much I love more than watching my kiddos getting along and having a blast with their sweet little friends.  Thanks for sharing them with us, Hannah and Christina :)


Unknown said...

I absolutely love love love that last image of big brother sharing with little brother!

about Algeria said...


son dakika haberleri said...
